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  • Sealed Keyboard Panels Using Snap Dome Switches Capacitive Switch Panels Metal Keyboards Silicon Rubber Keyboard PC Compatible Sealed Keyboard Panels Illuminated Keyboards Membrane Keypads

Specializes in designing with Microchip products

SBL granted US Patent for Capacitor Switch


Illuminated Keyboards

  • Illuminated Keyboards Technology
  • Illuminated Keyboards Technology
Illumination is achieved by using LEDs under the switches. The Overlay can be of different materials like Polyester, Metal Caps, Silicon, etc. where the illuminated portion is made translucent of semi-transparent to allow the light to pass through.

Illuminated Keyboards can be made by using snap domes, or push buttons where the LED is inbuilt in the switch self. These switches are assembled on a separate PCB which is then mounted behind the Overlay Panels and sealed. However, Illuminated Keyboards using snap domes can be made only by using a silicon material as the Overlay. Enquire Now
Specifications for Illuminated Keyboards (Using Omron switches)
Specifications for Illuminated Keyboards (Using Snap dome switches) Electrical